2 Ways To Prepare For Your Wedding Venue Search

Deciding to get married is only the first step. In order to move forward with the planning process, you need a venue and a date. Getting a venue and a date will allow you to put all the other pieces together for your wedding. Obtaining a venue should be your first step once you decide that you and your spouse want to get married. Here are a two things you can do that will help you prepare for your wedding venue search.

#1 Create A Budget

The very first thing that you need to do is create a budget for your wedding. Creating a draft budget for your wedding will allow you to figure out what type of venue you can afford. The last thing you want to do is rent out a venue, only to discover that you don't have enough money for all the other vendors that you are going to have to hire.

Here are a few of the different costs you are going to need to cover for your wedding: venue, catering, bartending, dessert, marriage license, officiant, photographer, videographer, flowers, decorations, lighting, rentals, invitations, save the dates, and wedding outfits.

There is a lot that goes into planning a wedding, and you don't want to blow your entire budget on a venue. Your venue should account for around 20% of your budget if you want to have room for everything else.

Knowing your venue budget in relation to the rest of your budget will help you keep down costs and ensure you are able to afford all the other elements you care about as well.

#2 Make A Venue Wish list

Next, sit down with your spouse and come up with a wish list for your venue. Do you want the wedding to be outside? Do you want to have a large space for people to dance? Are you looking for a more formal sit-down feeling or a more family friendly affair?

Making up a list of what you want your venue to look like and what you hope to get out of your venue will give you and your spouse a better idea of what the two of you are looking for.

It will also provide you with a handy wish list checklist to run through whenever a venue catches your eye. It can help you rule out venue options. Having a wish list can also help you determine what venue elements you are willing to compromise on and what venue elements you are not willing to compromise on.

Before you start searching for a wedding venue, come up with a realistic budget as well as a wish list. This will help you find a place that fits your budget and your wedding vision. For more information, contact companies like Oasis Golf Club & Conference Center.
